Art. 5 DORA - Governance and organisation
Art. 6 DORA - ICT risk management framework
Art. 7 DORA - ICT systems, protocols and tools
Art. 8 DORA - Identification
Art. 9 DORA - Protection and prevention
Art. 10 DORA - Detection
Art. 11 DORA - Response and recovery
Art. 12 DORA - Backup policies and procedures, restoration and recovery procedures and methods
Art. 13 DORA - Learning and evolving
Art. 14 DORA - Communication
Art. 15 DORA - Further harmonisation of ICT risk management tools, methods, processes and policies
Art. 16 DORA - Simplified ICT risk management framework
Art. 17 DORA - ICT-related incident management process
Art. 18 DORA - Classification of ICT-related incidents and cyber threats
Art. 19 DORA - Reporting of major ICT-related incidents and voluntary notification of significant cyber threats
Art. 20 DORA - Harmonisation of reporting content and templates
Art. 21 DORA - Centralisation of reporting of major ICT-related incidents
Art. 22 DORA - Supervisory feedback
Art. 23 DORA - Operational or security payment-related incidents concerning credit institutions, payment institutions, account information service providers, and electronic money institutions
Art. 28 DORA - General principles
Art. 29 DORA - Preliminary assessment of ICT concentration risk at entity level
Art. 30 DORA - Key contractual provisions
Art. 31 DORA - Designation of critical ICT third-party service providers
Art. 32 DORA - Structure of the Oversight Framework
Art. 33 DORA - Tasks of the Lead Overseer
Art. 34 DORA - Operational coordination between Lead Overseers
Art. 35 DORA - Powers of the Lead Overseer
Art. 36 DORA - Exercise of the powers of the Lead Overseer outside the Union
Art. 37 DORA - Request for information
Art. 38 DORA - General investigations
Art. 39 DORA - Inspections
Art. 40 DORA - Ongoing oversight
Art. 41 DORA - Harmonisation of conditions enabling the conduct of the oversight activities
Art. 42 DORA - Follow-up by competent authorities
Art. 43 DORA - Oversight fees
Art. 44 DORA - International cooperation
Art. 46 DORA - Competent authorities
Art. 47 DORA - Cooperation with structures and authorities established by Directive (EU) 2022/2555
Art. 48 DORA - Cooperation between authorities
Art. 49 DORA - Financial cross-sector exercises, communication and cooperation
Art. 50 DORA - Administrative penalties and remedial measures
Art. 51 DORA - Exercise of the power to impose administrative penalties and remedial measures
Art. 52 DORA - Criminal penalties
Art. 53 DORA - Notification duties
Art. 54 DORA - Publication of administrative penalties
Art. 55 DORA - Professional secrecy
Art. 56 DORA - Data Protection
Art. 58 DORA - Review clause
Art. 59 DORA - Amendments to Regulation (EC) No 1060/2009
Art. 60 DORA - Amendments to Regulation (EU) No 648/2012
Art. 61 DORA - Amendments to Regulation (EU) No 909/2014
Art. 62 DORA - Amendments to Regulation (EU) No 600/2014
Art. 63 DORA - Amendment to Regulation (EU) 2016/1011
Art. 64 DORA - Entry into force and application