Art. 3 Data Act - Obligation to make product data and related service data accessible to the user
Art. 4 Data Act - The rights and obligations of users and data holders with regard to access, use and making available product data and related service data
Art. 5 Data Act - Right of the user to share data with third parties
Art. 6 Data Act - Obligations of third parties receiving data at the request of the user
Art. 7 Data Act - Scope of business-to-consumer and business-to-business data sharing obligations
Art. 8 Data Act - Conditions under which data holders make data available to data recipients
Art. 9 Data Act - Compensation for making data available
Art. 10 Data Act - Dispute settlement
Art. 11 Data Act - Technical protection measures on the unauthorised use or disclosure of data
Art. 12 Data Act - Scope of obligations for data holders obliged pursuant to Union law to make data available
Art. 14 Data Act - Obligation to make data available on the basis of an exceptional need
Art. 15 Data Act - Exceptional need to use data
Art. 16 Data Act - Relationship with other obligations to make data available to public sector bodies, the Commission, the European Central Bank and Union bodies
Art. 17 Data Act - Requests for data to be made available
Art. 18 Data Act - Compliance with requests for data
Art. 19 Data Act - Obligations of public sector bodies, the Commission, the European Central Bank and Union bodies
Art. 20 Data Act - Compensation in cases of an exceptional need
Art. 21 Data Act - Sharing of data obtained in the context of an exceptional need with research organisations or statistical bodies
Art. 22 Data Act - Mutual assistance and cross-border cooperation
Art. 23 Data Act - Removing obstacles to effective switching
Art. 24 Data Act - Scope of the technical obligations
Art. 25 Data Act - Contractual terms concerning switching
Art. 26 Data Act - Information obligation of providers of data processing services
Art. 27 Data Act - Obligation of good faith
Art. 28 Data Act - Contractual transparency obligations on international access and transfer
Art. 29 Data Act - Gradual withdrawal of switching charges
Art. 30 Data Act - Technical aspects of switching
Art. 31 Data Act - Specific regime for certain data processing services
Art. 33 Data Act - Essential requirements regarding interoperability of data, of data sharing mechanisms and services, as well as of common European data spaces
Art. 34 Data Act - Interoperability for the purposes of in-parallel use of data processing services
Art. 35 Data Act - Interoperability of data processing services
Art. 36 Data Act - Essential requirements regarding smart contracts for executing data sharing agreements
Art. 37 Data Act - Competent authorities and data coordinators
Art. 38 Data Act - Right to lodge a complaint
Art. 39 Data Act - Right to an effective judicial remedy
Art. 40 Data Act - Penalties
Art. 41 Data Act - Model contractual terms and standard contractual clauses
Art. 42 Data Act - Role of the EDIB
Art. 44 Data Act - Other Union legal acts governing rights and obligations on data access and use
Art. 45 Data Act - Exercise of the delegation
Art. 46 Data Act - Committee procedure
Art. 47 Data Act - Amendment to Regulation (EU) 2017/2394
Art. 48 Data Act - Amendment to Directive (EU) 2020/1828
Art. 49 Data Act - Evaluation and review
Art. 50 Data Act - Entry into force and application